Maryland’s Comprehensive Ticketing Bill Passes, But Without Resale Cap

The Maryland General Assembly gave final approval to one of the country’s most comprehensive state-level ticketing bills Monday, but without a cap on resale pricing.
The state House and Senate agreed on SB 539, sponsored by Dawn Giles, an Anne Arundel County Democrat, and sent it to Gov. Wes Moore for his signature. Most observers expect him to sign the bill, which passed the Senate unanimously and the House with a three-quarters majority.
Monday was the last day of 2024 session for the Maryland legislature.
As passed, the bill bans speculative ticketing and makes resale platforms accountable for any spec tickets sold or listed on their site, with a $10,000 fine for the first infraction and $25,000 on subsequent violations.
The bill requires all-in pricing throughout the purchasing process and codifies that a ticket is a license and not property and directs the Consumer Protection Division of the Attorney General’s Office to conduct a review of the event ticket marketplace, which will assess reselling activity, ticket costs in the primary versus reseller markets, and problems consumers encounter on the resale market including the fraudulent sale of tickets, counterfeit tickets, and the use of illegal bots to purchase tickets for resale.
Originally, the bill also included a hard 10 percent cap on resale pricing, a provision that drew plenty of attention and set tongues wagging across the industry. That provision was removed during the legislative process, though the hopes are that the study will demonstrate to hesitant lawmakers that such a cap is needed.
“Nearly 17,000 letters were sent by Marylanders to their state legislators, letting those in Annapolis know they want protection from the rampant deception and abuse that’s taking place now. We applaud the entire State legislature for this groundbreaking legislation, and
we look forward to working with the Attorney General’s office to help ensure enforcement,” said Audrey Fix Schaefer, communications director of Merriweather Post Pavilion and I.M.P.
The National Independent Venue Association and the Fix The Tix Coalition similarly praised the bill.
“Maryland Senate Bill 539 marks a significant milestone in consumer protection for fans and artists,” said Stephen Parker, Executive Director of the National Independent Venue Association in a statement. “This bill safeguards consumers from the deceptive ticketing practices that have plagued Maryland and the nation for far too long. Every fan deserves to know that their ticket is real and where their money is going. The Maryland bill does just that. Nearly 17,000 Maryland constituents wrote letters urging their legislators to pass this critical legislation. We are proud to support this bill and eager to use it as a model for ticketing reform across the country.”
“The passage of SB539 proves that when policymakers center the voices of local music communities, including artists, independent venues, nonprofit arts groups and our allies across the live entertainment ecosystem, we really can achieve meaningful reforms that benefit fans, workers, and small businesses,” says Kevin Erickson, Executive Director of the Future of Music Coalition. “We’re profoundly grateful for the leadership of Senator Dawn Gile and her cosponsors Senators Beidle, Feldman, and Ellis as well as Delegate C.T. Wilson in the House. And while we’re celebrating today, we also look forward to working with the Attorney General’s office on their forthcoming study of the industry, as we look to achieve further reforms to strengthen music communities and end deceptive and predatory business practices in live event ticketing, in Maryland and across the nation.”
“Maryland made it clear, when you listen to artists and venues, you pass stronger legislation,” said Nathaniel Marro, Managing Director of the National Independent Talent Organization. “NITO applauds legislators in Maryland for protecting consumers by passing the strongest speculative ticket ban in the country and looks forward to working with them further on their study of the resale market and its harms.”
With Moore’s signature, the bill would go into effect July 1.