Tours de Farce: Today’s Specials
You’re one in a million. They don’t make ’em like you anymore. You are definitely one unique individual.
And if you’re like most unique individuals, you love tour dates. You can’t get enough of the cities for Pink or the extra dates for Paul McCartney. It’s your distinctive personality along with your inimitable style and innovative manner that makes you what you are; an extraordinary human being as rare as a pearl among swine and as different as every single fingerprint on file at the FBI. Don’t ever change.
Come to think of it, it’s because of matchless personalities like yourself that our founder, Festus Pollstar, created this behemoth of a concert database over 70 years ago. For it was after a heavy winter’s night of knocking back antifreeze shooters that Old Festus woke up the next morning face down in a snow bank, and immediately recognized that people are as different as each and every snowflake that was threatening to smother the life out of him.
Yes, even then Festus understood that people like you, the ones who march to different drummers and never run with packs, need a common, simple interface to view the schedules for acts as varied as Steve Forbert, face to face and
Go ahead, click away! Call up the new tour for George Jones, the dates for Moonshine Still and Peter Case and the latest listing for B-Side Players. You’re as incomparable as the stars in the sky, the grains of sand on the beach and the individual concert amphitheatres that dot this great land of ours. And we have the dates to go along with your rugged individualism, whether they are for Princess Superstar or Hank III, each schedule is a tribute to your unequaled personality.
What are you waiting for? Point your cursor at the dates for Chad Brock and let your mouse wander through the incredible routings for Ancient Harmony and Reverend Horton Heat. There are millions of distinctively diverse men and women searching our database each and every day. They’re finding shows by Colonel Bruce Hampton & The Code Talkers and scheduled performances by Charlie Daniels Band and The Iguanas that will compliment their own rugged and idealistic philosophy of what makes a body different than the rest of humanity. Dive in, click on the links and rejoice in the epitome of uniqueness that is
After all, you don’t want to feel left out, do you?